
Are you struggling to make your corporate events stand out on social media? You’re not alone.

Corporate Events Planners, Managers, and Marketing teams often grapple with the challenge of creating engaging video content that captures the essence of their events. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best ways to make videos for social media to ensure your corporate events shine brightly online.

From pre-event teasers to post-event recaps, we’ve got you covered with actionable tips and strategies.

Maximising Social Media Video Content for Corporate Events

Creating compelling video content for your corporate events involves careful planning and execution. Here’s how you can make the most of your social media presence before, during, and after your events.

Pre-Event Content

Event Teasers

Building anticipation is key. Create 15-30 second teaser clips showcasing venue setup, speaker previews, and promotional graphics. These short, snappy videos can generate excitement and get your audience talking.

  • Instagram Stories/Reels: Use vibrant music and dynamic transitions to capture attention quickly.
  • LinkedIn: Opt for professional, business-oriented teasers that highlight the value of attending.
  • Facebook: Carousel ads with teaser clips can be highly effective in capturing interest.

During-Event Coverage

Live Event Coverage

Real-time engagement can significantly boost your event’s visibility. Live streaming key moments like keynote speeches, panel discussions, and behind-the-scenes content can make your audience feel involved, even if they’re not physically present.

  • Facebook Live: Engage with real-time comments to create an interactive experience.
  • LinkedIn Live: Stream sessions for a professional audience who appreciate insightful content.
  • Instagram Stories Capture spontaneous, short-lived moments that add authenticity to your event.

Highlight Reels

After the event, showcase the most memorable moments. Produce an edited montage of event highlights, including keynotes, attendee interactions, and key takeaways.

  • Facebook/Instagram: Short, visually compelling clips can keep the excitement alive.
  • LinkedIn: Share 60-90 second polished highlights to maintain a professional appeal.
  • YouTube: Opt for a longer format (3-5 minutes) for comprehensive coverage.

Post-Event Content

Testimonial Snippets

Collecting and sharing quick interviews with attendees, speakers, and sponsors can provide social proof and credibility.

  • Facebook Longer testimonials with quote overlays can add depth to your content.
  • Instagram Stories Snappy, authentic testimonials can keep your audience engaged.
  • LinkedIn: Focus on ROI and professional benefits in your testimonials.

Post-Event Recap

A well-crafted summary video featuring key stats, participant quotes, and event outcomes can wrap up your event content beautifully.

  • LinkedIn Articles Embed recap videos in event summaries to provide a comprehensive overview.
  • Instagram Reels Fast-paced recaps with dynamic text can keep your audience hooked.
  • YouTube Detailed recaps with insights and future event teasers can attract a dedicated viewership.

Repurposing Strategy


Break down longer videos into shorter clips for platform-specific sharing. For instance, a 2-minute keynote clip can be ideal for LinkedIn, while 15-second insights work well on Instagram.

  • Cross-Platform Teasers Adjust format and length to suit different platforms, e.g., vertical video for Instagram Stories, square for LinkedIn.
  • Compilation Videos Create a “Year in Review” video combining highlights from multiple events for YouTube or LinkedIn.
  • Engagement Polls Use video snippets in post-event polls on social platforms to gather feedback and engage your audience further.


Creating impactful social media videos for corporate events doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these strategies, you can ensure your content is engaging, professional, and effective. Ready to take your event video content to the next level?

Book a free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion today and see how we can help you elevate your corporate events.