Are you a property management company wondering how to maximise your social media presence? You’re not alone.

With the rise of digital marketing, video content has become crucial for engaging potential clients and tenants. But what’s the best way to make videos for social media?

Let’s explore this together.


In today’s digital age, social media isn’t just for selfies and cat videos. For property management companies, it’s a powerful tool to attract, engage, and retain clients. This blog post will guide you through the best strategies for creating compelling social media videos that showcase your properties, highlight your services, and establish your brand’s credibility. From property showcases to market updates, we’ll cover it all.

Property Showcases

Highlighting Features

When it comes to property showcases, think of your videos as virtual tours. Highlight key features like spacious rooms, modern kitchens, and luxurious bathrooms. Don’t forget to showcase unique selling points—whether it’s a rooftop terrace or a state-of-the-art gym.

Local Amenities

Potential tenants are not just interested in the property—they want to know about the neighbourhood too. Include clips of nearby parks, shopping centres, and public transport options. This will give viewers a comprehensive view of what life would be like if they chose to rent from you.

Client Testimonials

Authentic Stories

There’s nothing more convincing than hearing satisfied clients share their positive experiences. Create short clips of tenants and property owners discussing how happy they are with your services. Authenticity is key; candid testimonials resonate more with viewers.

Building Trust

Client testimonials build trust and credibility. When potential tenants see real people vouching for your company, they’re more likely to trust you and consider renting or listing their property with you.


Daily Operations

Show the human side of your company by filming behind-the-scenes clips. Capture your team in action—whether they’re conducting maintenance checks or helping tenants move in. This gives your audience a glimpse into the hard work and dedication that go into property management.

Team Dynamics

Introduce your team members in these videos. When clients see the faces behind the emails and phone calls, it builds a sense of familiarity and trust.

Market Updates

Current Trends

Keep your audience informed about the latest property market trends. Short, informative videos on market conditions, rental prices, and investment opportunities will position you as an industry expert.

Establishing Expertise

By regularly sharing market updates, you demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in the property management field. This can make you the go-to source for reliable property market information.

Tips for Tenants/Landlords

Helpful Advice

Offer value-added services by sharing quick, helpful tips for tenants and landlords. Whether it’s advice on maintaining a property or understanding lease agreements, these videos can be incredibly useful.


Address common issues and frequently asked questions in your videos. This not only helps your current clients but also attracts potential new clients who are looking for reliable property management advice.

Sustainability Initiatives

Eco-Friendly Practices

Highlight your commitment to sustainability by showcasing eco-friendly practices. Whether it’s energy-efficient lighting or recycling programmes, these initiatives can attract eco-conscious tenants.

Green Certifications

If your properties have green certifications, make sure to mention them in your videos. This adds another layer of credibility and appeal to your offerings.

Success Stories

Case Studies

Share success stories and case studies of challenging property scenarios your team has resolved. This not only showcases your problem-solving skills but also builds trust with potential clients.

Real-Life Examples

Use real-life examples to demonstrate your expertise. Show how your team handled difficult situations effectively, making the property a better place for tenants and owners.

Repurposing Content Across Platforms

Versatile Content

One video can be repurposed in multiple ways across different platforms. For instance, a property walkthrough video can be shared as a full-length video on YouTube and chopped into shorter clips for Instagram Stories.

Tailored Formats

Tailor the video length and format to suit each platform. Short, snappy clips work well on TikTok, while longer, more detailed videos are better suited for YouTube.

Captions & Subtitles


Adding captions and subtitles to your videos makes them accessible to a broader audience, including those who watch videos without sound. This is particularly important on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram.

Enhanced Engagement

Captions and subtitles can also enhance engagement by allowing viewers to follow along easily, even in noisy environments.

Teaser Clips

Creating Buzz

Generate excitement by creating short teaser clips from your longer videos. Share these teasers on platforms like Instagram and Facebook to drive traffic to the full video.

Building Anticipation

Teaser clips can build anticipation and curiosity, encouraging viewers to watch the complete video for more detailed information.

Content Variations

Different Versions

Experiment with different versions of the same video. Change the music, angles, or calls to action to see what resonates best with your audience.

Fit the Tone

Adapt the tone and style of the video to fit the platform. For example, a more professional tone might suit LinkedIn, while a casual tone might work better on Instagram.

Tips for Producing, Editing, and Distributing

Consistent Branding

Maintain visual consistency across all videos by using the same logos, colour schemes, and messaging. This reinforces your brand identity and makes your content easily recognisable.

Batch Shooting

Save time by filming multiple videos in one session. This ensures you have a steady stream of content ready for posting.

Mobile-Friendly Formats

Optimise your videos for vertical viewing, especially for platforms like Instagram Stories, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. Vertical videos are more engaging and user-friendly on mobile devices.

Engagement Tools

Utilise platform-specific features like Instagram polls or YouTube cards to drive interaction. These tools can make your videos more engaging and interactive.

Scheduled Posting

Use scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to plan and automate your posts. This ensures that you maintain a regular posting schedule, keeping your audience engaged.

Analytics Review

Regularly review your platform analytics to understand what types of content resonate most with your audience. Use this data to refine and improve your future videos.

Collaborative Editing

Use cloud-based editing software like Adobe Premiere Rush or Canva to enable team collaboration on video projects. This can streamline the editing process and ensure high-quality output.

Optimal Timing

Research and post your videos during peak engagement times for each platform. Posting during these times can significantly increase your video’s reach and engagement.


Creating engaging social media videos for property management companies doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these strategies, you can showcase your properties, highlight your expertise, and build a strong online presence.

Ready to take your social media game to the next level? Book a free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion today. Let’s bring your vision to life!