Shooting a corporate video can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to video production. It’s not just about pointing the camera and shooting; it’s about crafting a story that captivates your audience and showcases your company in the best light. In this guide, we’ll walk through the key steps to creating a corporate video that truly resonates with your viewers and bolsters your brand’s image.

Pre-Production Planning

The success of any video project hinges on meticulous pre-production planning. This phase is where your vision takes shape, and all the necessary details are ironed out before any filming takes place. Here’s a detailed look at what you should consider:

Develop a Storyboard and Script

A storyboard is a visual representation of your video. Think of it as a comic strip that outlines the scenes, visual elements, and proposed camera movements. Each frame in the storyboard should correspond to a line in your script, to ensure a structured narrative that flows coherently.

When writing the script, remember to keep the language accessible and friendly. Avoid jargon that might alienate your audience and focus on the key messages you want to convey.

Select the Right Location

Location is more than just a backdrop. It’s an extension of your brand’s ethos and sets the tone for your video. Make sure to choose a place that aligns with your company’s image and the message of your video. Whether it’s the vibrant energy of a co-working space or the sleek professional environment of a high-rise office, your location should reinforce your video’s narrative.

Equipment Essentials

Having the right equipment is crucial in capturing high-quality footage. Here are the essentials you can’t do without:

Basic Video Equipment

Be sure you have a good quality video camera, a sturdy tripod, and lighting. When it comes to the camera, focus on one that can produce high-definition videos and offers manual control over settings like exposure and focus, to handle varying shooting conditions. A smooth, stabilised image is key to a professional look, hence the need for a tripod. And, always remember, lighting is the single most important factor in creating a quality image.

Don’t Skimp on Sound

Clear and crisp sound is non-negotiable. Invest in good quality microphones that are suitable to your shooting environment – lavalier microphones for one-on-one interviews, shotgun microphones for open spaces, and wireless systems for when you need to move around.

A shotgun microphone.

Shooting Techniques

Your shooting techniques can turn an ordinary video into one with that wow-factor.

Camera Angles and Shots

Experiment with different camera angles to create depth and visual interest. Establishing shots, close-ups, and over-the-shoulder shots can tell a story in a more dynamic way. High-angle shots can convey authority, while low angles can create a sense of space and openness.

Master the Lighting

Lighting is an art form in itself. Natural lighting is often your best friend, so try scheduling your shoot within the ‘golden hours’ of the day; the first hour after sunrise, and the last hour before sunset.

Avoid harsh shadows and use diffusers or reflectors when necessary. Soft light is flattering, particularly for interviews. For indoor shoots, balance the existing light with your own lighting to avoid unnatural looking colour casts.

Post-Production Tips

Post-production is where all the pieces come together. It’s time to trim, edit, and enhance your footage to produce the final video.

Choose the Right Editing Software

Select an editing software that fits your skill level and workflow. For marketing agencies, Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X are robust choices that offer professional tools and features.

Branding and Visual Elements

Your corporate video should be a seamless extension of your brand identity. Incorporate your brand’s colour palette, logo, and fonts throughout the video. Be subtle; you want them to be part of the narrative, not the distraction.

Engagement Strategies

The work isn’t over once the video is done. The end goal of any corporate video is to engage your audience:

Incorporate Call-to-Action

A video without a clear call-to-action (CTA) is a missed opportunity. Whether it’s directing viewers to a webpage, encouraging them to sign up for a demo, or to call your sales team, make it easy and enticing to follow through.

Use Analytics

Leverage video analytics to understand how your audience is engaging with your content. Are viewers dropping off at a certain point? Are they rewatching a particular segment? Use these insights to refine your video strategy for future productions.

Book A Strategy Call

Shooting corporate videos can seem complex, but with careful planning and the right approach, you can produce videos that showcase the very best of your company. Now that you have the fundamentals down, it’s time to bring your corporate story to life. Remember, the team at Super Motion is here to help. Book a free 30-minute strategy call with us and take the first step towards your next corporate video masterpiece. Happy filming!