Crafting Your Company’s Storytelling with Onboarding Videos

Crafting Your Company’s Storytelling with Onboarding Videos

Crafting Your Company’s Storytelling with Onboarding Videos

When it comes to the art of onboarding, savvy companies know that a new employee’s first impression is everything.
HR Managers in Professional Services firms wrestle with ensuring new employees not only understand the intricate services offered but also understand and embrace the company culture and values from day one.

Onboarding videos are a powerful tool that use visual storytelling that can help your new employees to start off on the right foot in their new role. Understanding the core components that make an onboarding video effective is essential to make sure it becomes an asset in your onboarding process.

In this guide, we break down the recipe for creating the perfect onboarding video for Professional Services firms. From fostering company culture to navigating policies, we’ll cover key elements for your strategy. Whether you’re an HR Manager diving into video production nuances or an expert shaping culture narratives, this guide will lead you through creating magic with onboarding videos.

Setting the Stage with Company Culture and Values

The Why Behind Your Company

Before jumping into the finer details of roles and responsibilities, an onboarding video should start with the heart of the matter – the reason why your company breathes.

For Professional Services, this often means deeply embedded values and a unique culture that shapes every interaction. Short interviews with leadership and team members can humanise the company. By sharing experiences that reflect organisational values, you’re not just stating who you are, but showing it.

Showcasing Daily Life

From video snippets of team collaboration to a look at your office space or virtual teams, showing rather than telling is key to fostering a rich and effective understanding of your company’s routine. Illustrate how your team comes together to tackle projects and showcase the norm – whether it’s Friday lunches or midweek yoga sessions, these seemingly routine activities foster a strong sense of belonging.

Deep Dives into Your Services

Simplified Service Explanations

Professional Services can often be complex to the uninitiated. This section is about simplifying the complex jargon and laying out services in a manner that’s both educational and engaging. Use case studies and simplified graphics.

If you provide niche legal services, for example, outline big wins for clients with digestible, layman-terms explanations of the process — so your newest team members can understand the processes and use them as examples when they’re dealing with your clients.

Value Propositions

What sets your services apart? Use the video as a platform to highlight your unique value proposition that will resonate with the new starters. Whether it’s a commitment to ethical practice, pioneering technological solutions, or exceptional client relationships, integrate these selling points into every aspect of service explanation.

Key Policies and Procedures

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Maintain professionalism but also ensure your video reflects the warmth and inclusivity of your company. Highlighting the code of conduct is a standard but essential step, where you don’t merely state the rules but also the ‘why’ behind them, and their perception within the company’s framework of values.

Data Privacy and Security

In today’s digital world, the importance of privacy and security cannot be overstated. Address these policies with clarity, illustrating situations your employees will likely encounter. Make the ‘policy’ personal. Portray how each individual is responsible for privacy and security, aligning it with the shared goal of trust-building and client confidence.

Meet the Faces Behind the Company

Team Introductions and Fun Facts

No onboarding video is complete without introducing the people in your company’s story.

Personalise this segment with team members sharing their roles and a sprinkle of fun facts. Make the introductions relatable – who are the sports nuts or the office comedians? This human touch can make the difference between passive viewing and active engagement.

Leader Profiles

Profiling your company leaders instils confidence and provides a sense of direction. Share their professional background, accomplishments, and the strategic vision they bring to the table. This not only humanises the leadership but also allows new members of the team to align their mission with the company’s strategic goals.

Career Development Pathways

Learning and Growth Initiatives

Professional Services is a sector that relies heavily on continuous learning. Outline the learning and development opportunities within your organisation – whether it’s formal training or on-the-job mentoring and development. Use visual timelines or ‘day in the life’ segments to show the progression from a junior team member to the top jobs.

Company Culture of Growth

Stuffing a manual with development programmes is one thing; demonstrating a culture of growth and learning is quite another. Share stories of professional growth within the company that highlight the efforts and support the new employees can expect when reaching for their stars.

Interactivity and Engagement

Quizzes and Reflection Prompts

To ensure the information is digested, add elements of interactivity. Include quizzes or reflection prompts on company values and service highlights. By inviting the new team member to participate actively, you not only gauge their understanding but also reinforce learning.

Gamifying the Experience

Is there a more effective way of embedding memory than through play? Create ‘day in the life’ scenarios where the new hire must choose the best practice, earning points for making the right decisions. Not only does this make for a fun onboarding video, but it also heightens retention of your organisation’s protocols.

Support and Resources

Who To Turn To

Navigate the web of support within your company. Explain who handles HR issues, who’s responsible for technical support, and who are the go-to team members for project-based queries. This section can also include digital pamphlets or directories that new employees can access after watching the video, to find detailed information.

Policies and Manuals

While not the stars of your video, it’s vital to have policies and manuals accessible after onboarding. A quick rundown of where to find these resources online or within the company’s intranet will help new employees to find additional information, when they need it.

The First Step After the Credits Roll

Scheduling Initial Meetings

After the grand presentation, the new employee should already have a tangible next step. This could mean scheduling one-to-ones with managers, team members, or even department heads. Clarity on what comes next after the video is part and parcel of a successful welcome strategy.

Paperwork and Tools Set-Up

From contracts to access to company tools, the logistics need to be addressed swiftly. Clear instructions and support on the sign-up process, usernames and passwords, and any required readings or kits can smoothen the transition from candidate to team player.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Crafting your onboarding video is more than a process; it’s an art of merging corporate narrative with heartfelt reception. If you’re a Professional Services HR Manager ready to revolutionise onboarding, book a free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion for tailored advice on how video can elevate your practices.

In conclusion, onboarding videos for Professional Services firms must balance the informative with the inspiring. They must drill down the company ethos to the professional while bearing a personal touch that resonates with each new team member. Purposeful, clear content backed by a touch of creativity and empathy illustrates your company’s commitment to success – and sets the tone for a long, fruitful partnership with employees from the get-go.

The Best Questions to Ask Your Clients in a Professional Services Case Study Video Interview

The Best Questions to Ask Your Clients in a Professional Services Case Study Video Interview

The Best Questions to Ask Your Clients in a Professional Services Case Study Video Interview

If you’re a professional services business looking to create effective case study video interviews with your clients, it’s important to ask the right questions.

By doing so, you can not only capture compelling stories that illustrate your value proposition but also inform your own business practices.

In this article, we’ll share some of the best questions to ask your clients during a professional services case study video interview to help you create videos that engage your audience and effectively showcase your clients’ experiences.

Understand the Client’s Business by Asking About Their Company, Role, and Industry Challenges

Before getting into the solution, it’s important to understand the client’s business. Ask them to describe their company, their role within it, and the challenges faced by their industry.

This helps you frame the interview within a wider context and gives you a better understanding of the specific challenges your client is facing.

Investigate Pre-solution Processes, Their Pain Points, and Why Previous Solutions Failed

Knowing about the pre-solution processes, pain points, and previous failed solutions helps you shape the success story.

Follow up with open-ended questions to learn about any challenges encountered, how they tried to resolve them and how they found your services.

Explore the Decision-making Process, Including Discovery, Search Duration, and Choice Factors

Ask them to describe the decision-making process that led them to your company. This could include how they first discovered your services, how long their search took, and what factors ultimately led to their choice to engage with your company over other service providers.

This insight can help you better understand your clients’ thought processes and refine your own marketing strategies.

Discuss Product or Service Implementation, Usage Specifics, Beneficial Features, and Employee Feedback

Now it’s time to dive deeper into the actual solution. Ask your clients to describe the implementation process, any usage specifics, and what they found to be the most beneficial features of your products or services. Also, ask about employee feedback:

  • Did your services change their daily work activities?
  • What did they like about the new system, and how it helped them thrive?

Assess Outcomes, Focusing on Measurable Results, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Business Changes Since Using Your Service

The key metric of success in a case study video is to demonstrate the outcomes of your client’s experience. While soft factors such as satisfaction and motivation are important, measurable outcomes and relevant KPIs deliver solid proof of achievement.

Ask about improvements to business operations, cost savings, and how the original problem was solved by using your service.

Ask About Customer Satisfaction, Future Collaboration Likelihood, and Service Improvement Suggestions

Finally, wrap up the interview with more open-ended questions. Ask about the client’s overall satisfaction with your services, whether they would recommend you to others, and their likelihood of future collaboration or contract renewal.

Also, asking for improvement suggestions is a great way to show your clients you value their input to improve the service and provide an excellent experience.


A professional services case study video interview is an effective way to showcase your client’s experience and provide potential customers with an understanding of what you can do for them.

By using our tips, you’ll be able to ask the right questions and create engaging videos that inform, educate, and persuade. Remember to always keep the conversation authentic and aim to tell a compelling story about your clients.

The goal is to create a successful and powerful narrative that shows your services are the best choice for potential customers.

If you’re finding it difficult to capture an effective interview from your case study clients, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

How to Craft a Professional Services Explainer Video Script

How to Craft a Professional Services Explainer Video Script

How to Craft a Professional Services Explainer Video Script

Creating an explainer video for your professional services business can be a daunting task. Not only do you need to showcase your product or service, but also make it attractive to potential clients. A well-crafted explainer video script can make all the difference in reaching your marketing goals. In this blog post, we’ll share expert guidance on writing a script for your explainer video that resonates with your audience and highlights your key benefits.

1. Define Your Video’s Goals and Know Your Audience

Before you start creating your explainer video script, you need to outline the goals and objectives of your video. Do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads or inform potential clients about your services? Once you are clear on your goals, you can determine your target audience and the distribution channels to reach them. Consider their pain points, what they want, and what motivates them. This information will be crucial in creating a script that speaks directly to them.

2. Use a Clear Structure for Your Script

Your explainer video script must follow a clear structure that engages your audience from beginning to end and leads them to the call to action. A commonly used structure is an introduction, problem, solution, and call to action. Start with introducing the topic and set the tone for the rest of the video. Address the problem faced by your potential clients and how your product or service can be the solution they need. Lastly, wrap up with a call to action that encourages viewers to take the next steps.

3. Start with a Strong Hook

The beginning of your video is the most critical part, as it sets the tone for the rest of the video. Make sure you start with a powerful hook that captivates the attention of your audience. The hook should be engaging, clear, and concise. Use factual and emotive language to show empathy towards the problem your audience faces.

4. Aim for a Script Length Suitable for a One-Minute Video

The average attention span for an internet user is a few seconds. Therefore, you need to ensure that your script length is between 130 to 160 words per minute. This time will allow you to communicate your message effectively, ensuring clarity and easy understanding. Stick to simple language, avoiding jargon that can confuse the audience.

5. Focus on Showing Your Product or Service as an Effective Solution

Your explainer video script should focus on showing your product or service as an effective solution for your potential clients. Highlight the key benefits that set your business apart from competitors. Use visuals and storytelling techniques that demonstrate how your service can make a difference.


In conclusion, writing a professional services explainer video script can seem intimidating, but it’s achievable when you consider your audience and the message you want to convey.

Remember to define your goals, choose a clear structure, start with a strong hook, aim for a script suitable for one-minute video, focus on showcasing your benefits, and conclude with a memorable tagline and a clear call to action.

Writing a great script is the first step towards creating an amazing explainer video that your audience will love. Remember to continuously refine your script for alignment with your marketing goals and audience resonance. Seek feedback and consider proofreading for quality assurance.

If you need any help writing your explainer video, don’t forget the Super Motion team is here to help.

To start your video journey, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

Common Issues in Making Social Media Videos for Professional Services and How to Solve Them

Common Issues in Making Social Media Videos for Professional Services and How to Solve Them

Common Issues in Making Social Media Videos for Professional Services and How to Solve Them

Making social media videos can be a great way to connect with your audience and promote your professional services. However, there are several common issues that can arise during the production and publishing of your videos. As an expert in video production and editing, I’m here to help you understand these common problems and provide solutions so that your social media videos can have the impact you want.

1. Tailor Content to Audience and Industry Specifics

One common issue in making social media videos for professional services is not tailoring content to the specific audience and industry. It’s crucial to understand your target audience to make sure your videos resonate with them. Professionals may have different needs and wants than consumers, so make sure to conduct research on what your audience is looking for.

Also, remember to tailor your content to the industry you’re in. Lawyers may need to emphasise certain aspects of the law, while doctors may need to explain medical procedures. Understanding your industry will help you produce content that is not only informative but also engaging.

2. Emphasise High-Quality, Brief Video Content

Another issue in producing social media videos is the video’s quality and length. Creating high-quality, brief videos is key.

People on social media have limited attention spans, so it’s essential to grab their attention quickly. Your video should be informative, engaging, and polished for optimal impact. So, make sure you use clean visuals, graphics, and sound to enhance your message.

3. Select the Right Platform Based on the Audience

Different social media platforms attract audiences of varied interests and preferences. As a professional service marketing manager, you should know which platform is suitable for your service and audience.

For example, LinkedIn is popular among professionals and business owners, while Instagram and Snapchat cater to younger audiences.

Knowing which platform to use can lead to a higher engagement rate for your videos.

4. Use Engagement and Conversion Metrics for Evaluation

It’s essential to measure the success of your social media video campaigns. You can use engagement metrics like views, likes, and shares to evaluate how your audience interacts with your content.

You can also use conversion metrics such as click rates to follow the audience’s actions to the next marketing stage.

By tracking these metrics, you can improve future video performance.

5. Enforce Online Conduct Policies for Privacy and Professionalism

Lastly, it’s crucial to follow guidelines set for online conduct policies. Social media videos should not cross the lines of privacy, decency, and professionalism.

It’s also important that your video should not violate any personal space of the target audience, or any ethical policies and guidelines for your profession.


In conclusion, producing social media videos for professional services comes with its challenges.

However, by tailoring content, creating high-quality briefs, selecting the right platform, using engagement and conversion metrics for evaluation and following ethical policies and guidelines, you can successfully connect with your target audience.

These solutions will go a long way in ensuring that your videos stand out and achieve the intended impact.

If you’d like help to create a stand out social media video, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

How to Choose a Video Production Company: A Guide for Professional Services Businesses

How to Choose a Video Production Company: A Guide for Professional Services Businesses

How to Choose a Video Production Company: A Guide for Professional Services Businesses

In today’s digital age, video production has become an essential tool for professional services businesses to showcase their brand, products, and services. Creating quality video content can be challenging, which is why most businesses prefer to work with video production companies.

However, choosing the right video production company can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with the technical aspects of video production.

In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a guide on how to choose the best video production company that aligns with your professional services business’s goals, budget, and timeline.

1. Review the Company’s Diverse Portfolio for Project Relevance and Quality

One of the key things to consider before choosing a video production company is to look at their portfolio. The portfolio gives you an idea of the types of projects they have completed and their quality.

You should look for companies with diverse portfolios that showcase their work across different industries and video types. This will help in determining the company’s experience and whether their style aligns with your professional services business.

Additionally, checking their past work and their production quality can help you judge the company’s reliability.

2. Confirm Their Experience in Corporate Video Production, Especially in Your Industry

When assessing a video production company, it is vital to check their experience in corporate video production, as this differs from other types of video production.

An experienced corporate video production company will understand the intricacies of a corporate video, including branding, messaging, and tone.

If the company has experience in your industry, it will be easier for them to understand your business and create relevant and engaging content.

3. Check Technical Capabilities, Equipment, and Team for Quality Assurance

Quality video production requires a skilled team with relevant experience and professional-grade equipment. Before choosing a company, verify their technical capabilities, including cameras, lighting, sound, and editing software.

If the company lacks the required technology, the quality of your videos may suffer.

Along with technical capabilities, it is essential to assess the team’s expertise, including the director, producer, cinematographer, and editor. This is important, as a highly skilled team can help elevate the quality of your production.

4. Look for Transparent Communication, Quick Responses, and Enthusiasm

Video production is a collaborative process, and effective communication between clients and the company is essential.

Before choosing a video production company, check how they handle communication and how quickly they respond to your needs. A company that values transparent communication can ensure that the final product aligns with your vision and expectations.

You’ll want to look for a company that is enthusiastic about your project, shows interest in your business, and values a long-term partnership.

5. Discuss Budget and Timelines Upfront to Avoid Compromising on Quality

Video production costs can vary significantly depending on the company’s experience, equipment, and the project’s complexity.

Before choosing a video production company, discuss your budget and the desired timeline upfront. This will help ensure that there are no surprises later on and that the company is transparent about their costs and delivery timelines.

However, ensure that you do not compromise on the quality of your video production by setting unrealistic budgets or timelines.

6. Choose a Creative and Innovative Company for Engaging Content

With the abundance of video content today, it is essential to work with a company that can create content that is unique, engaging, and stands out.

Choose a company that is creative, innovative, and has the ability to think outside the box.

The final product should help your professional services business connect with your audience, demonstrate your brand values, and communicate your message effectively.

7. Assess Client Relationships Through Meetings

Before choosing a video production company, consider meeting with them in-person or virtually to assess their client relationships. This can help you gauge their professionalism, work ethic, and flexibility.

Additionally, you can discuss your vision, goals, and desired outcomes for your video production. A company that values client relationships and values open discussions can help create a longer-lasting partnership.

8. Consider Client Testimonials for Professionalism and Satisfaction

Finally, consider checking the company’s client testimonials for feedback and satisfaction from previous clients. This can help provide a better overview of their professionalism, quality, and customer service.

Check for comments around reliability, communication, creativity, and overall satisfaction.

A company with a strong reputation and positive testimonials can provide peace of mind before beginning your video production.


In summary, choosing the right video production company is essential for your professional services business.

Review their portfolio, confirm their experience, check their technical capabilities, assess their communication style, discuss budgets and timelines, choose a creative company, meet with them to gauge their client relationships, and consider client testimonials.

With these tips, you can narrow down your options and choose the best video production company that aligns with your business goals and vision.

To start your video journey, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

What Makes a Professional Services Explainer Video Stand Out: Tips and Strategies

What Makes a Professional Services Explainer Video Stand Out: Tips and Strategies

What Makes a Professional Services Explainer Video Stand Out: Tips and Strategies

Most customers want businesses to communicate with them in a quick and easy-to-digest format, which is why explainer videos are becoming increasingly popular. For businesses offering professional services, such videos have become an invaluable tool to showcase their services, build trust, and increase engagement with potential clients.

However, there is a vast difference between a good explainer video and an average one. A high-quality explainer video can capture the customer’s attention, deliver the message effectively, and guide them to take action.

But, what are the differentiating factors that make a good explainer video stand out?

Let’s take a closer look.

Understanding Your Audience and Goals

The first step to creating an outstanding explainer video is to thoroughly understand the goals and target audience of the business. A good video starts with a clear outline of the goals, the key message, and a deep understanding of the audience.

This helps to tailor the content to effectively resonate with the target audience.

Captivating the Viewer’s Attention

In recent years it has been widely reported that audience attention spans have significantly reduced. To capture the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged, your video should be visually appealing and deliver the message effectively.

Studies show that the first eight seconds of a video are most crucial in retaining the viewer’s attention. The opening scene of an explainer video should instantly grab the viewer’s attention, spark interest and curiosity about the offering.

Clarity and Simplicity

Explainer videos need to make the message clear and simple for viewers to understand. You can leverage visual cues like infographics and animation to drive home a complicated message, but the information should be communicated effectively.

The use of simple words improves the video’s effectiveness in communicating the message and ensures that viewers understand the information presented.

Use High-quality Visuals and Branding

High-quality visuals play a significant role in making an explainer video attractive and engaging. Consistent branding with brand tone, colours, and logos is important for brand recognition. This helps to boost recall, drive customer engagement, and elevate brand identity.

Videos that incorporate visual cues, aligned to the brand’s visual identity and personality, help increase brand recognition and credibility.

Make Use of Storytelling

Engaging storytelling techniques, like using relatable characters, humour, or animations, are powerful ways to capture and maintain your audience’s attention. These techniques help to make the video memorable, resonate with the audience, and make the content understandable.


An excellent explainer video is one that can capture and maintain the viewer’s attention, articulate the service offering simply and clearly, and deliver the message effectively. To create one, a business must dive deep into understanding their goals and target audience, make use of sharp visuals and consistent branding, and use engaging storytelling techniques. Above all else, the explainer video must offer value and resonate with the audience.

If you’d like help to create an explainer video that resonates with your target audience, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.