How to Create an Animated Marketing Video for Your Housing Association

How to Create an Animated Marketing Video for Your Housing Association

Animated marketing videos have become a linchpin in the Housing Association sector, offering a vibrant and versatile way to engage prospective residents with the unique values and community ethos your Association embodies. With the potential to simplify complex messages and evoke emotion, animation can be the storyteller you need to connect with your audience.

But the art of creating an impactful marketing animation is more than just motion and colour – strategic storytelling and technical precision are equally crucial. In this comprehensive guide tailored for Housing Association Marketing Managers, we unveil the steps to creating an animated marketing video that resonates with your community and prospective residents.

Concept Development

Aerial photo of a housing estate.

Aligning Themes with Community Values

The foundation of impactful animation begins with a concept that not only highlights the tangible aspects of your Housing Association but also resonates with the community’s core values. To start, ask yourself, ‘What makes our community unique?’ Is it the sustainable practices, the sense of inclusivity, or the focus on family life? Your animation should reflect and amplify these qualities.

Here’s where to start:

  • Mind Map Your Themes: Gather your team and map out the themes that align with the values of your communities, and how your homes and initiatives support these values.
  • Gathering Materials: Collect materials or references that reflect the chosen theme.

Scriptwriting Tips

Crafting a Story that Resonates

A good script is the backbone of an effective marketing video. Your narrative should be emotionally compelling, creative, and concise, capturing the essence of your community in a way that resonates with viewers.

To script a standout animation:

  • Know Your Audience: Profile the typical resident – what are their values, fears, and aspirations?
  • Highlight Features: List key benefits of your homes and community services that could be integrated into the story.

Choosing Animation Styles

Finding the Right Visual Identity

The animation style should complement your message and appeal to your demographic.

Here’s a quick overview of popular animation styles:

  • 2D Traditional: Versatile and cost-effective, suitable for narrative-driven content.
  • 3D Animation: Offers depth and realism, ideal for showcasing architectural features.
  • Stop-Motion: Aesthetically pleasing, it can give a tangible feel to abstract concepts.


Person drawing a storyboard.

Illustrating Your Narrative Frame by Frame

A storyboard visually lays out your script, providing a clear understanding of the animation’s narrative flow and key visuals.

Follow these steps to storyboard:

  • Sketch Key Scenes: Create simple sketches of the most pivotal moments in your script.
  • Consider Pacing: Arrange the scenes to maintain a smooth and engaging visual flow.

Voiceover and Music Selection

Enhancing Emotional Connection

The right voiceover and music can set the mood and enhance the emotional appeal of your video.

Ensure that:

  • The Voice Fits the Brand: Choose a voice that embodies the values and tone of your Housing Association.
  • Music Matters: Select a soundtrack that mirrors the narrative arc and intended emotional response of viewers.

Animation Tools and Software

Equipping Yourself for Visuals

Today, there are a large range of user-friendly animation tools available.

Some great animation software tools include:

  • Adobe After Effects: The industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects.
  • Toon Boom Harmony: A powerful 2D animation package used in a range of productions.
  • Blender: An open-source 3D creation suite with a robust set of tools.

Integrating Brand Elements

Team picking colour swatches and checking colours match against brand guidelines.

Making Your Mark Without Overpowering

Your branding elements should be seamlessly integrated into the animation, reinforcing the association’s identity without overwhelming the content.

To reinforce your branding:

  • Use Colours Wisely: Employ a colour scheme that is consistent with your branding but also harmonious with the animation’s overall palette.
  • Incorporate Logos Creatively: Ensure your logo is prominently displayed but not obtrusive.

Distribution Strategies

Getting Your Video Seen

Creating a superb animation is just the beginning. You need to share it with the world.

To maximise distribution:

  • Utilise Social Media: Share your video across platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Leverage SEO: Optimise your video’s title, tags, and description to increase visibility in search.
  • Consider Email Marketing: Use your subscriber list to share your content directly with interested parties.

Measuring Impact

Measuring video performance against Key Performance Indicators.

Analysing the Reception of Your Video

Understanding how your animated video is performing is crucial for refining your future content strategies.

To measure the impact:

  • Track View Counts: How many times has your video been viewed?
  • Monitor Engagement: Look at likes, comments, and shares to gauge audience response.
  • Survey the Audience: Collect feedback to understand the sentiment and gather insights for improvement.

Seeking Further Guidance?

Still not sure where to begin with animated video marketing for your Housing Association? Book a free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion. Our video production experts can help guide you through the process, from ideation to distribution.

Creating a marketing video for your Housing Association is more than just a technical process; it’s a chance to tell the world about the vibrant, community-centric place you’ve built. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with potential residents in a medium that can truly bring your vision to life.

Ready to put your community in motion? Contact Super Motion today.

Mastering the Art of Shooting Corporate Videos for Your Housing Association

Mastering the Art of Shooting Corporate Videos for Your Housing Association

Your Housing Association has an impactful story, and a well-crafted corporate video is the canvas on which it is painted for the world to see. But how do you ensure that your message resonates with professionalism and power? In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to shoot corporate videos that captivate your audience and further the mission of your housing projects.

Pre-Production Planning

Crafting Compelling Stories

Before you even think about picking up a camera, you need to identify what your video is about. Start by asking yourself, “What’s the core message, and what are we trying to achieve?” Is it showcasing the refurbishment of local properties or maybe highlighting community-building efforts?

Writing the Perfect Script

Every good video begins with a great script. Focus on keeping the message clear, simple, and aligned with the values of your association. Avoid jargon; opt for words that a 13-year-old could understand. Remember, a well-crafted message reflects the professionalism and sincerity of your association.

A set of video scripts.

Scouting Locations

Location scouting is vital. Look for spots that have relevance to your message and provide visual interest. Within housing projects, common spaces, before-and-after property shots, and community areas can tell a powerful story. Ensure all the required permissions are secured in advance.

Production Techniques

Lighting Essentials

Proper lighting is the difference between a dull video and a dynamic one. For indoor shoots, utilise natural light augmented with soft artificial light sources. Outdoors, shoot during the ‘golden hour’ — which is the time of day that offers the most flattering natural light, typically an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset. Position your subjects with light sources in mind, aiming for clarity and warmth.

Camera Choices

Your camera choice doesn’t have to break the bank, but it should offer at least 1080p resolution for crisp image quality. A good DSLR or mirrorless camera paired with a versatile lens can offer great results without overwhelming you with technical specifications.

Sound Quality

Solid sound is as important as clear visuals. Invest in a good directional microphone to capture dialogue and reduce ambient noise. Always monitor levels while shooting and consider using lavalier mics for interviews. Remember, echo is the enemy, so soft furnishings can make a bare room sound more professional.

Lapel microphone.


Basic Editing Techniques

Your goal in editing should be to maintain narrative flow and viewer engagement. Simple transitions, clear sequences, and a good pace keep the story moving without distractions. Keep footage organised and create a rough cut before fine-tuning with more advanced techniques.

Subtitles and Graphics

Subtitles increase accessibility and viewer engagement, especially on social media. Use graphics sparingly but effectively to emphasise key points and provide context. Every addition should point back to the central narrative and the goals you identified in pre-production.

Musical Touches

Music sets the mood and can elevate your video to an emotional level that resonates with your audience. Choose licensed tracks that align with the message and tone of your video. Services like Artlist or Epidemic Sound offer a wide range of music with subscription plans available.

Distribution Strategy

Sharing on the Right Platforms

Your video needs to meet your audience where they are. For internal communications, an embedded video in a newsletter might suffice. For the public, use platforms like YouTube and Vimeo with strong SEO practices to ensure your message reaches the maximum number of people.

Measuring Success and Feedback

After sharing your video, it’s critical to measure its impact. Engagement metrics like watch time, shares, and comments can tell you how your video is performing. Don’t forget to gather direct feedback through surveys and user comments, which can provide invaluable insights for future projects.

Measuring success.

Book a Free 30-Minute Strategy Call with Super Motion

Ready to take your corporate video strategy to the next level? Book a free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion and discover how our expert team can help you create videos that inspire action. Whether you need advice on storyboarding, production, or distribution, we’re here to guide you through the process. Your next corporate video could be the spark that ignites real change – don’t wait to make it happen.

By following these guidelines, you’re well on your way to producing corporate videos that not only reflect the professionalism of your association but also touch the hearts and minds of your audience, driving engagement and action. Start planning today, and watch as your Housing Association’s story unfolds on screen in a way that’s truly unforgettable.

Mastering the Art of Educational Video Script Writing for Housing Associations

Mastering the Art of Educational Video Script Writing for Housing Associations

Mastering the Art of Educational Video Script Writing for Housing Associations

Video is a powerful medium for education and storytelling — especially in the context of community services like Housing Associations. This form of visual communication has the potential to engage your audience in a way that static content, like text or images, cannot. It allows you to explain complex topics in simple terms and empowers you to foster a sense of community among your tenants and partners.

In this guide, you’ll learn to craft an educational video script that resonates with audiences while advancing the mission of Housing Associations.

The Power of Educational Videos in Housing Associations

Before we deep-dive into scriptwriting, it’s important to understand the why behind educational video content. Video has the power to connect with your tenants on a more personal level. It can simplify intricate topics like tenancy agreements or neighbourhood initiatives, making them more palatable and easier to understand.

Why Choose Video?

  • Accessibility: Video is accessible, especially where people have different learning styles and needs.
  • Engagement: It has the potential to captivate and sustain attention, fostering deeper connections.
  • Reach: It expands your reach, drawing in diverse audience segments with content that they can relate to.

Understanding Your Audience

In order to craft a compelling educational video, you need to know who you’re talking to. Housing Associations cater to a wide array of individuals and families, including those from various demographic backgrounds and income levels. Your script should reflect this diversity while maintaining a unified voice and message.

Tips on Identifying Tenant Needs

  • Conduct Surveys: Anonymous surveys can provide insights into what tenants would like to know more about.
  • Personal Interviews: Speaking to a diverse group of tenants can reveal common questions and concerns.
  • Analyse Data: Demographic data and social profiles can help build a picture of your tenant base.

Crafting Your Key Messages

Educational video scripts need to be informative yet engaging. They should focus on key areas that are relevant to your tenants. In the context of Housing Associations, this could include everything from explaining rental processes to highlighting community-friendly practices.

Finding the Right Tone

  • Community Centric: The script should reflect the association’s commitment to building a strong community.
  • Empowerment: Messages should be crafted to reinforce tenants’ sense of agency and power in their housing situation.
  • Reassurance: Addressing concerns such as rent control or safety measures can offer reassurance.

Visual Storytelling

In Housing Associations, the stories you tell are as important as the facts you present. Real-life tenant stories can provide that crucial connection, and your script should include provisions for sharing these while respecting privacy and consent.

Obtaining and Using Stories

  • Permission First: Always obtain written consent before using a tenant’s story.
  • Anonymity and Discretion: Ensure that stories change enough of the details to maintain the individual’s privacy.
  • Relevance: The stories should be relatable and support key educational points.

Marketing Strategies for Video Distribution

A great script is just the beginning. You need to get it in front of your audience. Digital marketing has opened up a great number of avenues for Housing Associations, from social media to email campaigns.

Leveraging Digital Platforms

  • SEO Optimisation: Ensure your video ranks well on search engines for housing-related queries.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Use targeted campaigns to reach specific tenant groups with your video content.
  • Email Newsletters: Videos in email newsletters can update tenants and create anticipation for new content.

Collaboration Is Key

No Housing Association stands alone. Your script should include sections that emphasise collaboration with local businesses, governments, and non-profits, demonstrating a united effort towards community uplift.

The Power of Allies

  • Corporate Partnerships: Highlight corporations that offer support or housing benefits to tenants.
  • Government Relations: Make sure to include government initiatives that affect or can aid tenants.
  • Non-Profit Initiatives: Shed light on non-profits within the housing space providing value to your tenant community.

Crafting a Compelling Call to Action

After engaging your audience, the next vital step is to spur them into action. This could be as simple as participating in a community event or as significant as taking part in a housing seminar.

Making it Count

  • Clear and Direct: Your call to action should leave no room for ambiguity. It should be clear what you want the audience to do next.
  • Community Building: Encourage activities that bring people together and strengthen your sense of community.
  • Measurable: Create a call to action that can be measured, so you can assess the effectiveness of your video.

In a world that’s increasingly visual and digital, educational videos are a must-have in the arsenal of any Housing Association. They are an accessible and engaging way to inform and unify your tenant community, ultimately strengthening the standing of your association.

Ready to elevate your content strategy? Book a free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion and take the first step in creating compelling video content for your Housing Association.

The Comprehensive Breakdown of Training Video Production Costs for Housing Associations

The Comprehensive Breakdown of Training Video Production Costs for Housing Associations

The Comprehensive Breakdown of Training Video Production Costs for Housing Associations

In an era when knowledge sharing and learning have transcended the constraints of physical classrooms, training videos have emerged as an invaluable resource, especially in the corporate world.

For Housing Associations striving to maintain education and compliance among their staff, video-based training offers an effective and engaging method. However, the decision to integrate videos into the training strategy comes with its share of financial considerations — from concept to distribution.

This piece dives into the intricacies of the costs associated with producing training videos, arming HR and Training Managers of Housing Associations with vital insights into budgeting for video production.

The Why and How of Training Videos for Housing Associations

In a sector where adaptability and up-to-date knowledge are not just beneficial but essential, training videos have become the go-to tool for disseminating information effectively. Housing Associations deploy training videos for various purposes, such as staff onboarding, compliance training, and continuous development, ensuring that their workforce remains informed, engaged, and capable.

The Role of Training Videos in Onboarding

Imagine the first day at work for a new staff member. Instead of a thick manual or a long presentation, they’re greeted with an interactive video that not only teaches but also welcomes them to the organisation’s culture. It’s a warm and practical initiation that only a well-produced video can offer.

Continuous Training in the Digital Age

With the speed at which the housing environment evolves, ongoing training is no longer an event; it’s a process. Video content allows for regular updates and personalised learning experiences, adjusting to the learner’s pace and time.

The Nitty-Gritty of Video Production Costs

Before you hit record, you must evaluate the significant cost components you’ll encounter during each stage of video creation. These costs may vary significantly based on the production size, the expertise involved, and the quality you aim to achieve.

Pre-production Planning

Concept Development

Time is money, and video concepts are no exception. The hours spent ideating, aligning with training objectives, and crafting a story that resonates with the audience are top priorities. These are the seeds of your video, and they need to be nurtured carefully.


A good script is more than just words on a page; it’s a blueprint for your video. Whether you outsource this to professionals or leverage internal expertise, scriptwriting demands an investment, ensuring that every word is worth its weight in content.


Visual learners make up a significant proportion of any workforce. Storyboarding translates your script into images, laying the groundwork for a compelling visual narrative. This step is an investment in the coherence and attractiveness of your final product.

The Production Proper

Equipment Investment

To create a high-quality training video, you need more than a smartphone. Cameras, tripods, stabilisers, lights, and microphones are the tools of the trade, and each is a thumb on the budget scale.

Location Costs

Whether it’s the quiet office in the corner or an external training venue, every square inch of location contributes to the video’s setting. Securing these spaces involves negotiations and, often, financial transactions.

Personnel Expenses

From a director calling the shots to camera operators and assistants making them happen, every hand involved in production has a price. These professionals are instrumental in bringing your vision to life, and they charge accordingly.

Talent Fees

Perhaps the most visible cost to the viewer, the training video’s presenter or actors are the faces behind your message. Their skills, reputation, and influence on the final product justify a portion of the budget.

Post-Production Precision

Video Editing Services

Raw footage is but a canvas. Skilled editors weave together the scenes, fine-tune the audio, and polish the visuals to ensure a seamless and professional output.

Graphic Design

In the realm of informational videos, graphics can be the difference between a trainer and a teacher. Infographics, motion graphics, and text overlays all have their costs, but add significant value to the learning experience.

Sound and Music Design

The auditory senses complement the visual. Licensing scores, acquiring sound effects, and balancing audio, underscore the professional quality of your training video.

Distribution Decisions

Hosting Platforms

Your video needs a stage. Hosting platforms vary from free services with limitations, to bespoke solutions that provide tools and stats crucial for training management. Each option carries a unique price tag.


Videos are not static; they require updates and safeguards. Maintenance costs cover not only the hosting but also the regular examination of content relevance and effectiveness.

The Unknown Variables

Unexpected Delays

Production is prone to hiccups, which often translate to unexpected expenses. Whether it’s a reshoot due to technical issues, or a script change, delays mean extended timelines and expenditure.

Scope Creep

Projects often start with clear limits, only for those limits to stretch as creative avenues open up. Each new scene, effect, or requirement adds to the bill, highlighting the importance of defining and sticking to the video’s original scope.

The Bottom Line on Video Production for Housing Associations

Ultimately, the costs associated with producing training videos for Housing Associations are investments in the growth and stability of the organisation. In capturing the expertise, regulations, and ethos of your operation in visual form, you empower your workforce with tools that perpetually pay dividends.

To maximise your training video’s value and minimise financial risks, it is vital to partner with a production company experienced in the nuances of your sector.

Super Motion has a track record in delivering bespoke video solutions for Housing Associations, and we offer a complimentary 30-minute strategy call to kickstart the process. Book your call today, and together, we can chart the most cost-effective pathway to a more skilled and educated team.

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Engaging Educational Videos for Housing Associations

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Engaging Educational Videos for Housing Associations

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Engaging Educational Videos for Housing Associations

In the digital landscape, educational videos are a key tool for engaging audiences. Housing Associations need to master educational video to reach and educate the communities living in more than 4.4 million social housing properties in England.

This guide is for Communications and Marketing Managers in the Housing Association sector, offering a blueprint for creating informative, accessible, and engaging videos.

Understanding Tenant Demographics to Tailor Your Videography

Effective communication hinges on knowing your audience. Social housing is home to diverse communities. With tenants from various backgrounds and ages, your content strategy needs to be nuanced.

The Socioeconomic Mosaic of Social Tenants in England

England’s 4.4 million social homes house diverse individuals and families. Tailoring educational videos to resonate with viewers across various socioeconomic backgrounds, preferences, and needs is key to cutting through the noise.

Highlighting Financial Literacy and Community Support

Financial education is vital, particularly for the 74% of social renters without savings. Housing Associations can help by equipping tenants to manage finances better. Tailor videos to tackle common financial challenges, providing simple, actionable advice to make a real impact.

Crafting Content That Educates and Entertains

Educational content can seem dull, but by incorporating captivating stories inspired by the entertainment industry, you can make learning enjoyable and engaging.

Diverse Storytelling for a Diverse Audience

Variety is key in storytelling, reflecting the diverse tapestry of your community. Sharing success stories from various backgrounds is not only about diversity representation but also a powerful tool to inspire and motivate.

How To Make Complex Topics Relatable

Inclusion and relatability are crucial for tenant engagement. Use diverse characters and situations to simplify complex topics without diminishing their significance. By using real-life scenarios, bridge the gap between abstract concepts and viewers’ everyday lives.

The Art of Simplifying Without Talking Down

Explaining complex subjects in an accessible way is an art. By using clear language and simple explanations, you make sure your educational videos are inclusive and easy for all to understand.

Avoiding Jargon for Universal Understanding

Using insider language can exclude a large part of your audience. Opt for plain terms to make your content universally accessible, fostering broader conversations and understanding among tenants.

Speaking the Language of Housing and Finances

When discussing housing and finances, avoid complex terms. Use clear language to make content accessible to all tenants, regardless of background or education level.

Visuals that Transcend Language and Culture

In a multicultural society, visuals are key to connecting with a diverse audience. Use inclusive and representative visuals to bridge language and cultural gaps, fostering a global community in your sector.

Inclusive Visuals to Represent Many

Inclusivity is not just a buzzword – it’s a responsibility. Depict the diversity of your tenant base with a variety of actors and scenarios. Your video should reflect and celebrate the range of people in your sector through setting, casting, and graphic design.

Leveraging Animation and Educational Graphics

Educational content is often best conveyed visually. Using animation or infographics simplifies complex information, making it engaging and universally understandable, regardless of the audience’s background.

Encouraging Interaction and Gathering Feedback

Your video’s engagement goes beyond playbacks — it’s the start. Engage viewers with calls to action and feedback to turn them from passive to active participants, building community and ownership.

Calls to Action That Inspire Involvement

Every video needs a clear and compelling call to action. Encourage viewers to visit a resource hub, take a financial management course, or share their thoughts. Your calls to action should engage and support your audience.

Turning Feedback into a Two-Way Conversation

Feedback isn’t just about improvement; it’s a chance to learn and grow with your tenant community. By making feedback a two-way dialogue, you refine content and connect with your audience, showing their voice matters.


In social housing, educational videos do more than share information — they empower and support a diverse community. By following our guide, Super Motion believes you can create invaluable resources that make a difference to many lives.

Ready to shift from passive to engaging stories? Book your free 30-minute strategy call with Super Motion using the button below.

Educational Videos vs. Traditional Training Manuals for Housing Associations

Educational Videos vs. Traditional Training Manuals for Housing Associations

Educational Videos vs. Traditional Training Manuals for Housing Associations

In the digital transformation era, the educational landscape for Housing Associations is swiftly changing. Traditional manuals face a challenge from educational videos. Housing Association HR Managers witness this shift.

Are educational videos the new way to transfer knowledge, or do manuals still have a place?

We’re examining the evidence, costs, and benefits to determine the best communication strategy. By the end, you’ll be ready to guide your sector’s educational approach smoothly — visually or through text.

Engagement: The Visual Advantage

When it comes to holding your audience’s attention, videos mop the floor with manuals. Think about it: would you rather sit through a training video with snazzy graphics or leaf through pages of black and white text?

The former wins every time. Videos can combine visual, auditory, and even a sprinkle of text, making knowledge transfer a multi-sensory experience that resonates deeper. They’re not only educational but also entertaining, making learning enjoyable.

And in a sector where staying up-to-date with policy updates is crucial, engagement is key. It can often be a challenge for your Housing Association’s Communication Managers to disseminate important information in a way that staff members and other stakeholders will absorb and retain — and on this front, videos have a clear advantage.

Accessibility: Videos On-the-Go

In the fast-paced world of housing management, accessibility is non-negotiable. Traditional manuals, while sometimes comprehensive and thorough, can’t match the convenience of instructional videos. The ability to revisit material easily, pause and play, and enabling employees to learn at their own pace is a game-changer.

For Housing Associations stretched across geographical areas, this accessibility can be particularly invaluable. It standardises training across the board, ensuring staff in different locations receive identical information and that it is communicated in the same way.

Cost Efficiency: The Video’s Not-So-Hidden Value

At first glance, the cost of producing a video compared to printing a manual might seem like an uneven match. However, when we consider the longevity and reusability of educational videos, the scales start to level out. Modern videos can be assets that keep giving — as long as the topic remains relevant, the video can keep training new staff, year in, year out.

There’s also the environmental aspect to weigh in. Digital content, on the face of it, reduces an organisation’s carbon footprint. Though not always the case, given the rapidly evolving technology needed to produce and distribute videos, it’s a point that should be noted.

Real-World Examples: Learning Through Experience

One of the most powerful features of educational videos is their ability to demonstrate. Staff can watch as problems are solved or tasks are completed, mirroring the real-world scenarios that they’ll face in the field. This practical application is often missing in written manuals, which tend to be more conceptual.

For Housing Associations dealing with maintenance and repair, this is invaluable. You can’t teach someone to fix a boiler by simply reading a step-by-step guide; they need to watch it unfold to understand the intricacies and the potential pitfalls.

Interactive Feedback: Videos That Listen

The one-way street of traditional manuals is overrun by the give-and-take nature of educational videos. Video content can include interactive features, like quizzes and assessments, which not only solidify learning but also provide management with valuable feedback. Understanding where staff face difficulty can lead to targeted improvements in both the training and, ultimately, the operations of the Housing Association.

Update Flexibility: Dynamic Content

Policies and procedures in the housing sector are fluid, responding to new legal requirements and best practices. Videos can capture this dynamism better than bulky printed manuals. They’re easy to update and can keep apace with changes, whereas manuals often become out-of-date soon after they’re printed.

This doesn’t just save on reams of paper but also on hours of backtracking and retraining staff on updated information.

Emotional Connection: The Heart of Video Learning

Humans are emotional beings, and we tend to remember things that make us feel. Videos have the upper hand here as they can use storytelling and music to reinforce learning, eliciting an emotional response that sticks. A well-crafted video has the power to create a bond between your staff and the content they’re learning in a way that a manual often can’t.

Analytical Insights: Data-Driven Decisions

Video platforms are teeming with analytics that give real-time insights on viewer engagement, completion rates, and even areas where viewers might have rewound or re-watched sections. This data is a goldmine for honing your educational content. You’ll know what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to make data-driven decisions that refine your training material into a potent educational tool.


Videos excel in effectiveness and engagement, potentially overshadowing traditional manuals. Housing Associations must choose tools that suit their needs best – a mix of manuals and videos could be optimal. Embracing educational videos is an investment in the language of the future workforce. While videos may not fully replace manuals, they offer a more engaging and accessible way to educate. Consider this transformation as Housing Associations evolve. Will you opt for the future with videos, or stick with the tried and tested manual?

To discover how Super Motion can help you to use video to deliver engaging educational videos, book a free 30-minute strategy call with us.