Create a Stellar Onboarding Video for Your Corporate Events Business

Create a Stellar Onboarding Video for Your Corporate Events Business

Create a Stellar Onboarding Video for Your Corporate Events Business

Have you ever thought about giving your onboarding process the Hollywood treatment?

Onboarding videos can help you to set up your new employees for success, helping to deliver a sense of clarity, confidence, and excitement about their new role.

As a savvy Corporate Events HR Manager, you understand the critical importance of the onboarding process. You know that you only get one chance to make a great first impression on your new employee. But what sets an onboarding video apart as a standout tool for your induction process?

Crafting an onboarding video that truly resonates with new employees and aligns them with your company’s vision and values is an art. It must balance information with emotion, professionalism with personality, and convey a vision of shared success.

In this guide, we’ll unravel the elements that can turn your onboarding video into a compelling narrative that connects with your newest team members.

Understanding the Core Elements of Employee Onboarding

Successful onboarding videos all share core elements that fit together to create a compelling and memorable onboarding experience that help your new employees get off to a great start in their new role.

Here are the essential elements to create a compelling onboarding video:

1. Showcasing Company Culture and Values

Your employees are the living, breathing advertisements of your company’s culture. Therefore, your onboarding video must dedicate time to showcase what your culture actually looks like in action. It’s less about telling and more about showing — illustrate your values through real-life company events, team interactions, and the day-to-day working environment.

2. Introducing Team Members and Key Contacts

The transition into a new team is often one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the onboarding process. Ease this by personalising the experience. Include interviews and spotlights of team members, creating familiarity before day one.

3. Explaining Key Projects and Events

Give new hires a peek behind the scenes of significant projects and upcoming events. Not only does this get their interest, but it also demonstrates the strategic importance of their work and how it aligns with company goals.

4. Outlining Marketing Strategies and Brand Guidelines

Employees act as brand ambassadors whether they realise it or not. Help them fully understand your brand’s promise by explaining marketing strategies and brand guidelines.

5. Demonstrating Tools and Software

Introduce your tech in a user-friendly way. New employees appreciate a head start, and you’ll save time by covering off the basics before their handover.

6. Guiding Through Essential Processes and Workflows

Detail step-by-step processes for common tasks and workflows. This reduces initial overwhelm and empowers the newest members of your team to start contributing sooner.

7. Setting Clear Expectations and Objectives

New employees often wonder if they’re on the right track. Set clear expectations and objectives early, giving a roadmap for their first days and beyond.

8. Offering Learning and Development Resources

An indication of growth opportunities is a powerful incentive for new talent. Showcase in-house training, mentorship programs, and other growth-boosting initiatives.

9. Support and Questions

Finally, your video should end with a strong message of support. Detail who new hires can reach out to with questions and how they can access help when they need it most.

Things To Keep In Mind

Now that you’re familiar with the core elements that make up a successful onboarding video, here are some other things that are also important to keep in mind:

How Long Should the Video be?

The ideal length of your onboarding video is around 10-15 minutes. Beyond this, attention may start to wane. This doesn’t mean you need to restrict every detail — you can always use this as a teaser for the comprehensive onboarding package new hires will get on their first day.

Brevity and Clarity

Be laser-focused on your content. For every point, ask yourself, ‘Does this need to be in the video, or can it be part of a hand-out or live session?’ Less is more!

Storytelling to Engage

Weave the necessary messaging into an engaging story. Start with a hook, describe the challenge of the new role, and conclude with how the new hire now plays an essential part in overcoming those challenges. Think of it more as a documentary with planned spontaneity, rather than a strict list of dos and don’ts.

Quality over Quantity

A video’s production quality reflects your investment in the employee experience. It doesn’t need Hollywood budgets, but it does need to be professional, well-lit, and audibly clear.

Engaging with the Audience

Remember, an engaging video doesn’t just come from its visual appeal — it’s about speaking to your audience in a way that resonates. Craft a script that’s personable and conversational.

Engage with your audience, address common concerns, and highlight the elements that make them feel part of the team from the very start.

Every Day is a School Day

Onboarding videos are a great asset to your onboarding process but they’re not a one-shot wonder. It’s important to follow-up regularly and support your new employee to achieve success in their new role.


Arrange follow-up sessions or review meetings where new employees can ask questions and seek clarification on anything they didn’t fully grasp.

Continuously Seek Feedback

Seek feedback on the video and your onboarding process — were there parts that resonated more? Did every part of the process feel relevant and helpful? Use the insights to improve your onboarding process over time.

Integration into Company Resources

Ensure your onboarding video isn’t a standalone asset. Refer back to it in subsequent training sessions and incorporate its content into company knowledge bases.

Want to Enhance Your Onboarding Process with Video?

If you’re looking to craft an onboarding video that sets the gold standard for new employees, learn how Super Motion can help you. Book a free 30-minute strategy call to find out what’s possible for your business.

Engaging Educational Videos: Best Practices for Corporate Events Businesses

Engaging Educational Videos: Best Practices for Corporate Events Businesses

Engaging Educational Videos: Best Practices for Corporate Events Businesses

In the events industry, it is essential to provide high-quality educational videos that are engaging and informative. The use of video content has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows businesses to convey complex information in a more accessible and engaging way.

However, creating a video that is both informative and engaging is not an easy task.

In this blog post, we will examine the best practices for creating engaging educational videos in the events industry, using specific examples from the industry.

Determine Your Target Audience

The first step in creating an engaging educational video is to determine your target audience.

Consider the demographics of your audience and what they want to achieve from watching your video. Use this information to create a video that is tailored to their needs and interests.

As an example: if your target audience is event planners, focus on topics such as event design, budgeting, and marketing.

Keep it Short and Sweet

Attention spans are short, and people don’t have the patience to sit through a lengthy video. Keep your videos short and to the point.

The best way to do this is to create a series of shorter videos that cover a specific group of topics. This allows you to create concise and accessible videos, while allowing you to cover complex topics in depth, without overwhelming the audience.

To illustrate this idea, imagine you wanted to create a video on catering events. Instead of having one long video, you could create separate videos for menu planning, food presentation, and catering logistics.

This approach allows your audience to consume the content in bite-sized pieces, making it easier to retain information.

Incorporate Visuals and Narrative

Visuals can be the most powerful tool in creating an engaging educational video. Use a mix of images, videos, and animations to enhance your video’s messaging.

Also, consider incorporating a narrative into your video. People are more likely to remember information when it is presented in the form of a story.

Instead of talking about , if you are creating a video on event design, consider telling a story about a successful event you have planned.

Don’t Forget About Sound and Lighting

Sound and lighting are often overlooked in the creation of educational videos in the events industry.

Poor lighting or sound can be distracting and take away from the quality of your content.

If you are in an environment with poor natural lighting, it’s best to use professional lighting equipment to get good results.

It’s also important to invest in quality audio recording equipment for crystal clear dialogue — your audience won’t stick around if they can’t hear you! And, even with quality equipment, you still need to ensure you’re filming in an area with minimal background noise.

Equipment can be expensive to purchase but if you’re going to produce lots of video content, it may be worth considering investing in quality equipment yourself.

However, a more affordable way to get access to quality equipment for your video project is to work with a video production company.

Call to Action

Now that you have created an engaging and informative video, don’t forget to include a call to action. Make it easy for your viewers to take action after watching your video.

Include a link to your website or a form for viewers to complete. You could also consider offering a free resource, such as a guide or ebook, to those who watch your video.


Creating an engaging educational video in the events industry is no easy task. It requires a deep understanding of your audience and their needs, as well as the tools and equipment to produce high-quality content.

Remember to keep your videos short and tailored to your audience, and incorporate visuals and a narrative to keep your viewers engaged.

Finally, don’t forget to include a call to action to encourage your viewers to take action after watching your video.

By following these best practices, you are sure to create engaging and informative video content that can help your events business succeed.

If you need help producing educational videos for your events business, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

Explainer Videos that Stand Out from the Crowd: Top Tips for Corporate Events

Explainer Videos that Stand Out from the Crowd: Top Tips for Corporate Events

Explainer Videos that Stand Out from the Crowd: Top Tips for Corporate Events

As a corporate event marketer, creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience is essential. When it comes to promoting an event, most corporate event marketers know that video is one of the most effective forms of marketing. But what separates a good explainer video from an average one?

In this article, we will delve into the details and explore the six key differentiating points. You will learn how to create high-quality, engaging videos that effectively communicate your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Maintain Viewer Engagement

Research has shown that the average attention span of a viewer is less than eight seconds. Therefore, when creating a video, it is crucial to capture the viewer’s attention and keep them engaged throughout. A well-crafted events explainer video should have a clear focus, delivering the message in a concise and easily understandable manner.

Engaging videos have the ability to hold the viewer’s attention for an average of two minutes. On the other hand, videos that are considered average tend to be too long, lack clarity, or fail to capture the viewer’s interest. Consequently, these videos experience a significant drop-off in viewer engagement.

By incorporating captivating visuals, compelling storytelling, and concise messaging, one can create videos that not only capture attention but also maintain viewer engagement, ultimately leading to a more successful video campaign.

Storytelling and Audience Retention

Making effective use of storytelling in structuring your explainer video will ultimately determine its success. A well-crafted video not only captivates the viewer’s attention but also effectively conveys the intended message. By using a thoughtfully structured storyline, you can engage and retain the viewer’s interest throughout the video.

In contrast, an average explainer video that fails to use storytelling, usually lacks a clear and concise structure. This may leave the audience confused and disengaged. To avoid this, it is essential to ensure that your narrative structure is coherent, easy to follow, and tailored to the specific preferences and needs of your target audience.

By providing a little more detail and elaborating on the key aspects of the narrative structure, you can create an explainer video that effectively communicates your message and resonates with your viewers.

Professional-Quality Visuals

The quality of visuals plays a crucial role in distinguishing between good and average explainer videos. A good corporate events explainer video should make use of professional-quality visuals. Professional-quality visuals must have good lighting, careful camera framing, and seamless editing techniques. This ensures a visually captivating and engaging experience for the viewers.

Although a video captured using a basic setup like a smartphone camera may be acceptable in some cases, it can result in a poor visual experience for viewers due to bad lighting and shaky footage.

To ensure the creation of an excellent explainer video, it is recommended to invest in high-quality equipment or consider hiring a professional videographer who can bring expertise to the production process, ultimately delivering a better visual outcome for your video.

Clear, Concise and Tailored Messaging

Excellent explainer videos are known for their clear and concise messaging. Conversational and jargon-free language is used to communicate the message effectively to the target audience.

A professional events video will also display an understanding of the audience’s interests, needs, and challenges, tailoring the content to resonate with them.

Average videos are often laden with jargon and confusing terminology, leaving the viewer feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. You don’t want to leave your viewer thinking: “Well, that’s 2 minutes of my life I won’t get back!”

Strong Calls to Action

The call to action is an indispensable component of any effective explainer video. A well-crafted video not only captures the viewer’s attention but also motivates them to take the desired action, be it registering for an upcoming event or purchasing a ticket. Strong calls to action are not only clear and concise but also direct and compelling, leaving no room for confusion or hesitation.

In contrast, an average explainer video often falls short in this aspect, with weak and confusing calls to action that lack a sense of urgency. For this reason, a well-executed explainer video, with its persuasive and impactful call to action, is more likely to achieve a higher conversion rate.

Gather Audience Feedback

Finally, gathering audience feedback is not just important but an essential component of creating an excellent explainer video. By actively seeking feedback from your viewers and incorporating it into your future videos, you can greatly enhance the engagement, relevance, and tailoring of your content to meet their needs.

To achieve this, consider conducting surveys, organising focus groups, and carrying out tests before launching your video.

Listening to and acting on audience feedback is not only an appropriate approach but it will also improve the overall quality of your explainer video.


Creating a high-quality, engaging explainer video is critical for any corporate event marketer.

When considering the key differentiators between an excellent explainer video and an average one, it’s critical to ensure that the content is engaging, clear, and visually appealing.

Incorporating these six key factors into your events explainer video will drive engagement, increase conversions and create a lasting impression on your audience. If you take the time to create an exceptional video, your audience will appreciate it!

To start your video journey, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

Induction Videos vs. Traditional Onboarding Methods in the Corporate Events Industry: Which is More Effective?

Induction Videos vs. Traditional Onboarding Methods in the Corporate Events Industry: Which is More Effective?

Induction Videos vs. Traditional Onboarding Methods in the Corporate Events Industry: Which is More Effective?

Human Resource Managers are consistently looking for more effective ways to onboard new hires. Given the current virtual working environment of many businesses, induction videos have become a popular method of onboarding.

But how does their effectiveness compare to traditional onboarding methods in the Corporate Events industry?

In this blog post, we’ll dive into comparing the effectiveness of induction videos vs. traditional methods, in terms of attention retention, memorisation, time spent, cost, scalability, consistency of message, feedback mechanisms, interactivity, and accessibility.

Attention Retention

It’s been shown that attention retention is greater in video presentations rather than in-person ones. According to a study carried out by Insivia, people retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.

This means that induction videos are an effective way to capture and retain an employee’s attention during onboarding.

Effectiveness in Memorising Key Information

In-person presentations may be more effective in terms of memorising key information but the effectiveness of such presentations decreases as the audience grows.

As such, induction videos are more effective at helping new hires remember critical information when the group is larger. Videos can also be paused, rewound, and re-watched, which can contribute to better memory retention.

Time Spent

Companies can save significant amounts of time by using induction videos. This is because videos can be viewed flexibly by employees as per their convenience and the entire group does not need to spend time in a meeting room.

On average, video induction can take up to 2 hours to take in all the information compared to in-person sessions, which can take six hours or more. This can save a significant amount of time, making the process more efficient and economical.


Creating videos is initially more expensive than organising conventional onboarding methods. Video production companies charge a premium to create quality videos. However, the video production cost can be reduced if a company produces induction videos through their own media department or through digital tools available online.

Moreover, the cost of organising in-person sessions such as hiring event spaces, travel, lodging, and catering, can be more expensive than creating high-quality induction videos.


In-person presentations can be constrained by the size of the room and the number of staff available for induction whereas video inductions can be easily scaled up to accommodate any kind of audience.

By using induction videos, HR Managers can onboard as many staff as possible without being constrained by physical meeting spaces or inconvenient times.

Consistency of Message

When it comes to consistency of message, video inductions are more reliable. With in-person induction methods, employees can miss important information if they arrive late, leave early, or fail to pay attention.

However, with induction videos, the same message is presented every time, ensuring that new hires receive the same information. This way, employers can ensure new hires are being properly informed.


Video inductions can be more accessible for employees who may need additional support that may not always be as easy to do in traditional inductions. This means that companies can cater to different needs and preferences of their new hires.

Video presentations can be easily optimised with subtitles, descriptive audio, and other measures to boost accessibility and remove any potential barriers.

Feedback Mechanisms and Interactivity

In-person sessions allow for more feedback mechanisms and interactivity during onboarding, such as Q&A sessions and group activities.

However, several interactive video learning tools can be used to make up for the lack of interaction in video inductions. Using digital quizzes and online portals can make video inductions interactive and fun.

Ease of Updating Content

Updating content in an induction video is easy and can be done in a short space of time. On the other hand, updating content in an in-person session can be time-consuming and may require scheduling, re-inviting new users, and setting up a new meeting room.


In summary, induction videos can be an effective and economical onboarding method for the corporate events industry, with their advantages including greater attention, retention, flexibility in terms of time spent, saving on costs, scalability, consistency of message, and accessibility.

That being said, in-person onboarding still has its place, particularly when it comes to feedback mechanisms and interactivity.

Instead of looking to choose one method over the other, consider how you can combine the best of both in your induction and onboarding process.

To explore the benefits of induction videos further, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

Overcoming Challenges in Creating Effective Explainer Videos for Corporate Events

Overcoming Challenges in Creating Effective Explainer Videos for Corporate Events

Overcoming Challenges in Creating Effective Explainer Videos for Corporate Events

Explainer videos have become essential in today’s corporate events industry, where businesses need to convey complex ideas and messages to their audience through a medium that’s both informative and engaging.

However, creating effective explainer videos is a challenging task that requires careful planning, technical expertise, and creative storytelling.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common challenges in creating explainer videos for corporate events and how to overcome them.

Writing Your Script

The script is the backbone of any explainer video, and its development is crucial for the success of the video. To create an engaging and informative script, it’s important to hire professional script writers who have experience in writing stories that resonate with the target audience.

Furthermore, clear goals and key messages should be set from the start to ensure that the script captures the essence of the message the organisation wants to convey. The script writers should work closely with the content experts to ensure the accuracy of the content.

Technical Challenges

Technical challenges can derail the production process and hinder the effectiveness of the explainer video.

To overcome technical challenges, it’s essential to choose a reliable video production company with a proven track record of delivering high-quality videos. A thorough plan that outlines the technical requirements of the video, such as lighting, sound, and camera angles, can reduce the chances of technical issues arising.

Additionally, having backup equipment and contingency plans can be helpful in case of unexpected technical difficulties.

Visuals and Graphics

Visuals and graphics play a significant role in engaging the audience and presenting complex ideas. To create a visually engaging video, high-quality visuals, and animations should be used, and brand elements such as colours, fonts, and logos should be incorporated consistently.

Infographics can be instrumental in presenting complex data and information clearly and succinctly.

Developing a Consistent Style

Consistency in styling and brand voice is vital in the creation of explainer videos. To ensure consistency, it’s essential to follow a comprehensive style guide that outlines the branding elements and requirements such as colours, fonts, and images.

Regularly reviewing the content produced to maintain the brand voice is also crucial and involving brand experts during the production process can prevent inconsistencies.

Balancing Entertainment and Information

Explainer videos should aim to provide relevant and engaging content to the audience. To achieve this, understanding the target audience is pivotal in creating content that resonates with them.

Using storytelling techniques to present complex information can also increase engagement and make the video more memorable. Furthermore, keeping the content focused on key messages helps to avoid overwhelming the viewer with too much information.

Reaching Your Audience

Creating an explainer video is only half the job, as its effectiveness depends on how well it reaches the intended audience.

Developing a strategic multi-channel distribution plan that includes channels such as social media, email marketing, and digital platforms can help maximise the video’s reach.

Optimising the video content for search engines can also ensure that it’s easily discoverable by the intended audience.

Measure the Impact

Measuring the effectiveness of the explainer video is vital in determining its impact and informing future strategies. Setting up analytics engagement and viewership tracking can provide valuable insights into how the video is performing and allow for continuous improvement.

Moreover, feedback from the audience should be collected and analysed for areas of improvement and to fine-tune the strategy as needed.


Creating an effective explainer video for corporate events requires careful planning, technical expertise, and creative storytelling.

Each stage of the production process faces its own challenges, from script development to promotion and distribution.

However, by overcoming these challenges using the strategies outlined in this article, businesses can create videos that resonate with their audiences and achieve their desired goals. With a well-executed plan, businesses can create explainer videos that inform, engage and, ultimately, inspire their audience.

To start your video journey, book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242.

How to Create Engaging and Informative Educational Videos for Corporate Event Training

How to Create Engaging and Informative Educational Videos for Corporate Event Training

How to Create Engaging and Informative Educational Videos for Corporate Event Training

In the corporate events industry, training is a critical part of preparing employees for success. From customer service skills to technical proficiency, it is essential to create training materials that are informative and engaging.

Nowadays, video has become one of the most popular media for corporate training because of its ability to communicate complex information quickly and effectively.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to make educational videos that are both informative and engaging, specifically within the corporate events industry.

Tailor Content to Specific Training Objectives

The first step in creating videos for corporate events training is to identify the specific training objectives. This will help you create a video that speaks directly to the needs of your employees.

For instance, if you are producing a video on customer service, you may want to focus on specific scenarios that employees will encounter on the job. By tailoring your content, you can ensure that it is both relevant and informative.

Use Relevant Real-World Examples

Incorporating real-world examples relevant to the corporate events industry is another way to make your videos more engaging. This approach works well because it helps employees visualise themselves in specific scenarios, making the training more relatable.

For example, if you are training employees on event planning, you could use examples of successful corporate events to demonstrate the effectiveness of different strategies.

Clear, Concise Language

Using clear and concise language in your videos is crucial. The wording of your scripts is essential to maintaining the attention of your audience. If your language is convoluted or technical, your employees may tune out.

To avoid this, ensure that your scripts are easy to follow and free of industry lingo. A simple exercise to make sure your scripts are easy to follow, is to put yourself in the shoes of a new employee or an outsider to the industry, and if they understand the language, then you’re on the right track!

Incorporate Storytelling for Better Engagement

Storytelling has become an incredibly effective way of engaging audiences, allowing your employees to connect with the training video by relating the experience to them on an emotional level.

A great corporate training video should mainly tell a story through illustrations and animation, helping your corporate event staff fully understand the information you are conveying.

Use High-quality, Relevant Images, Graphs, and Charts

When creating educational videos, it is always a good idea to use high-quality, relevant images, graphs, and charts to communicate complex ideas. This helps employees grasp the ideas faster and helps break down aspects of the topic.

Remember to choose images that complement your message and avoid using low-quality visuals.


Creating engaging and informative corporate event training videos doesn’t have to be complicated.

By tailoring your content to your training objectives, incorporating real-world examples, using clear and concise language, employing storytelling techniques, and using high-quality, relevant visuals, you can create videos that will enhance your corporate events team’s abilities.

This blog post serves as a guide to creating your corporate training materials that will help your employees approach their tasks with more confidence.

Book a strategy call or get in touch on 01225 970242 to explore how training videos could help to upskill your team.